International Student App (UK)



Available for download on the app store         Android app on Google play


If your international students are struggling to adjust to university or college and life in the UK, you can help them settle in and signpost available support with the FREE International Student App. 

The app is a trusted resource for anyone supporting international students in the UK - from universities and colleges to student accommodation providers, NHS organisations, local authorities, mental health charities and private mental health practitioners.

Use the app at no cost to provide reliable wellbeing information, pratical tips for settling in, and links to support, so your international students can avoid mental health crises and have the best possible experience at uni.

Who created the app?

We developed the app in partnership with Student Minds, the UK's student mental health charity, student support teams, and international students from the University of the West of England and the University of Lincoln.

Why use this app?

When your international students face culture shock, loneliness and academic pressures — made worse by the pandemic — they might find it hard to settle in and realise their full potential.

To enhance your provision of care for international students, use the app to make reliable information instantly accessible on students' mobiles — in one single place, even when offline:

  • Educate international students about their health — and explain what to do when concerned or in crisis
  • Promote safe self-care — offer practical tips on anything that might affect students' health and wellbeing, and reduce avoidable pressure on services
  • Signpost services and other support — make international students aware of useful resources and how to get help if they need it

From complaints to poor student experience, low academic performance, mental breakdowns, student dropouts and suicides — the stakes of not offering your international students easy access to crucial information are high.

Use the International Student App to improve health and wellbeing, stand out as a caring and supportive organisation, and reduce your teams' workload.

How to use this app.

The app is FREE to download. All you need to do is make students aware that they can download it from the app stores. There is no cost to you. No sign-up or set-up is needed. No collection of personally identifiable data.

Customise the app for our university or college.

As a UK university or college, you can subscribe to your own home and content page on the app — to benefit students directly and as a useful information and signposting resource for your staff.

  • Branding: Add your institutional branding. Increase visibility and increase students' sense of belonging.
  • Student support: Provide links to your own service provision.
  • Reduce service pressure: Help students navigate alternative sources of support, such as the NHS and local mental health charities.
International student app customisation



What's on the app?

The app has 11 sections that are easily accessible from the home page. It covers topics that might negatively affect international students' wellbeing, including:

  • Get ready: Preparing for your new life, pre-enrolment courses, visa and immigration issues, key documents, what to pack, and more.
  • Support: Student support services, emergencies, the NHS, registering with a doctor (GP), disability support, and more.
  • Transport: Public transport tips, London transport, walking, cycling, buses, coaches, trains, taxis, driving.
  • Accommodation: Types of accommodation, choosing accommodation, tips for settling in, connecting with others.
  • Finance: Opening a bank account, budgeting tips, saving money, money problems.
  • Study skills: Developing a growth mindset, academic culture, expectations, perfectionism, time management, independent study, lectures and seminars, assignments, plagiarism, and more.
  • Student life: First weeks, culture shock, feeling lonely, homesickness, finding your identity, clubs and societies, nights out, and more.
  • People: Making friends, supporting a friend, family and friends, sex and consent, unplanned pregnancy.
  • Language: Learning English, language courses, spoken English, written English, formal and informal language, local accents, digital language resources.
  • Life in the UK: Why study in the UK, UK values and principles, British history, modern Britain, social norms, British humour, exploring the UK, UK laws.
  • Work: Planning your career, working during your studies, working after graduation.

The app has been through a professional and robust production process and carries the Patient Information Forum 'PIF Tick' quality mark.

Find out more

Contact us to learn more about the International Student App or discuss customisation.




Page last reviewed: 31 May 2024