Quality assurance

How we approach quality assurance

We use a planned and systematic approach to create apps and comply with accepted quality requirements.

This involves:

External assessment

Our company and our apps undergo regular independent external review.

How we improve quality

We formally invite and analyse feedback on our products, services and processes to identify areas for improvement.

We also ask users, experts and our partner organisations for feedback on app content, both during app development and on an ongoing basis after launch.

  • Feedback: Our apps carry a 'feedback' button leading to a page with information on how to submit feedback, comments and suggestions for improvement.
  • Reviews: We act on the results of app reviews by users and independent reviewers, such as ORCHA.
  • Ratings: We review and consider ratings provided by app users on the app stores.

Find out more

Get in touch to find out more, provide feedback or ask questions.


Page last reviewed: 30 May 2024